Pere Anglada (A.A.I.)

I was born in Ciutadella de Menorca in 1955. From a very young age I expressed concerns about various topics that I have combined throughout my life and professional trajectory: archaeology, time-space binomial, light, shadows ...

At the age of 18 I left Menorca to settle in Barcelona, to study telecommunication engineering, at the UPC. I made it motivated by a technical, scientific and cosmological curiosity. I soon found the ground to apply that training, the performing arts, the beginning of my professional career.

Throughout my life, I have been a light designer for internationally renowned Catalan companies such as Joglars, Comediants or La Fura and also of different shows in theaters such as the Gran Teatro Liceo in Barcelona. I have been technical director of the Institute of the Theatre of Barcelona and the Lliure Theatre (Barcelona).

I know the secrets of virtually every theater in Catalonia, many Spanish theatres, a lot of theaters from the rest of the world and a few international performing arts festivals. My works have been seen in New York, Hong Kong, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, Milan, Prague, Madrid, Caracas, Stockholm, Helsinki, Oslo, Edinburgh, Avinyó, Barcelona, among others.

From 1987 to 1988, I studied at New York University, thanks to a fulbright scholarship, and a scholarship from the Spanish Ministry of Culture in 1991. In New York I trained in film, photography, light design and documentary video.

He has worked in theatre, film and television. I have also dedicated to the world of teaching, in centers such as the Institute of the Theatre of Barcelona or ITES, Barcelona's center of vocational training in the audiovisual field. I was a professor and director of ITES from 1992 to 2009.

In 2009 I joined the Barcelona Institute of Culture (ICUB). At ICUB, since 2010, I am the technical director of the Grec Festival. In addition, I have also been technical director of other events organized by the ICUB, such as the Piromusical of the Feasts of The Merco.

The photography exhibition Lighting from de darkness, presented in 2020 at the College of Technical Architects of Mataró (Barcelona), is the fruit of more than forty years researching and working light and shadows

