M.U.R.S. La Fura dels Baus



"After twenty years, on this 2014 birthday, the four creators of La Fura are once again reinventing a revolutionary show. Welcome to an experience of the future designed so that you can judge the present from a new perspective."

Based on the evocation of the besieged population, La Fura proposes M.U.R.S., a citizen experiment, an installation show where the public can interact freely only following criteria of intelligence and efficiency. M.U.R.S. it wants to be the first smartshow in history, a collective challenge that will install the viewer in the experience of a world in which the premises that will have to govern the cities of the future will be exploited to the last consequences. How far will we be free and able to direct and understand our own lives? Can we distinguish truth from falsehood? Will we be able or will we be able to revolt and leave all the places (communicative, technological, political ...) to which we may be subjected?

Advised by two prestigious university centers, the Open Systems department of the University of Barcelona and the Rovira i Virgili University, the components of La Fura have worked for a few months at the Futurelab of the Ars Electronica institute in Linz (Austria) and at the Massachusetts Institute. of Technology (MIT) to develop the fundamentals of the smartshow with which MUROS has been built

Based on the evocation of the besieged population, La Fura proposes M.U.R.S., a citizen experiment, an installation show where the public can interact freely only following criteria of intelligence and efficiency. M.U.R.S. it wants to be the first smartshow in history, a collective challenge that will install the viewer in the experience of a world in which the premises that will have to govern the cities of the future will be exploited to the last consequences. How far will we be free and able to direct and understand our own lives? Can we distinguish truth from falsehood? Will we be able or will we be able to revolt and leave all the places (communicative, technological, political ...) to which we may be subjected?
