
"El Grecis committed to the recovery of choreographic memory by re-enacting a dance piece about Mexican artist Frida Kahlo that Amelia Boluda premiered with the Ballet Contemporáneo de Barcelona in 1993."

This 2014 marks the sixtieth anniversary of the death of the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo, as well as twenty-one of the premiere, at the San José Arts Festival (Costa Rica), of a choreography by Amelia Boluda on the artist, with music by Xavier Maristany and performed by the Ballet Contemporáneo de Barcelona. This group, born in 1977, was a pioneer of contemporary dance in Catalonia and in the nineties took Frida to theaters in South America and Europe. Now the creation returns to the scene revisited under a current look, in the framework of a project by Amelia Boluda for the recovery of the artistic and choreographic heritage supported by the Greek. The turbulent relationship that Kahlo maintained with the painter Diego Rivera, his lovers, the revolutionary artists with whom he shared his ideals, pain and vital joy, are part of the work, with a fragmented narrative language that now shows, in addition to the personal world of the protagonist, the moment that the Mexican people lived in the first half of the twentieth century. In this new version, the musicians take the stage and share space with dancers who portray the experiences of a Frida Kahlo who has become a universal icon.


The light tries to transmit through color and shadows the moods of Frida Khalo. The concept of light is always given by the contrast of saturated, intense colors (the exuberant personality of Frida), with cold, delicate colors (doubts and disappointments ...). And so it is throughout the choreographies, a struggle where the warm is predominant, but always with the bitterness of a cold, threatening color.